Covington Family

Until a few years ago, we had been self-employed most of our life.  We worked mostly in the residential construction business.  Since the “recession” hit in 2008 a lot of things have changed.  But nothing prepared us for the change that would take place on February 15th, 2013.

On that night, we got a call that our oldest child, Jesse, had been injured in an automobile related accident and we were needed at the hospital right away.  The doctors didn’t know if he would live or not, he was suffering from a traumatic brain injury, or TBI.  The next 48 hours would be critical in his outcome.

After surgery to remove part of his skull and damaged brain, he was put in a paralytic coma to allow him to stabilize.  After the coma came, acute care, inpatient rehabilitation, two more surgeries, and then home, but requiring much therapy, rehab, and 24 hour care.

Since he had worked in the screen printing business off and on for over 10 years, the doctors agreed that if we could open up a home business it would be good therapy for him.The road to recovery is going to be long and hard but, with the help of the community, friends, and family we hope to achieve just that – RECOVERY!

So, back in the woods, on our farm in the middle of the pine trees, a business was born.